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Ondoko aurkezpen hau, Frantses, euskal eta ingles hizkuntzetan aurkeztua zauzue.
Jeuts zaitez orri huntan »



Kukuxumusu Iruñean sortu zen, 1989ko Sanferminetan.

3 lagunen asmo bakarra zerbait dibertigarria egitea eta basoerdi batzuk zurrutatzeko sosa ateratzea zen. San Ferminetako Entzierroaren marrazkiak zituzten elastikoak saltzen hasi ziren, orduan zeudenak ez baitzituzten oso gustuko.

Ideia arrakastatsua suertatu zen. Erabat memeloak ez zirenez, ondoko hirietan marrazki berriekin probatu zuten eta berriro asmatu zuten bete-betean.

Pixkanaka-pixkanaka hain dibertigarria zen hura proiektu interesgarri bihurtu zen eta beste lagun batzuk sartu ziren istorioan.

Gaur egun KUKUXUMUSU, batez ere, marrazki hauek euskarri anitzetan (elastikoak, posta-txartelak, zeramika, giltzariak) egiten eta gero merkaturatzeko egokitzen aritzen den enpresa bat da…

Jo ezazu ondoko zito helbidean, KUKUXUMUSU munduan sartzeko. Ibilaldi on.


Marzelo Zelaieta 75, N.AA1
Iruña/Pamplona 31014


Kukuxumusu started out in Pamplona during the Sanfermines of 1989.

, Koldo and Mikel only had the simple aim of making some beer money for the Fiesta and having some fun at the same time. They set about designing some T-shirts with funny drawings of the bull-running and selling them on the street because they felt the ones available at that time didn’t come up too much.

The idea took off in a big way. As they weren’t born yesterday, they decided to try out some more designs for the Fiestas in some of the neighboring towns. Once again they hit the nail on the head.

Little by little, their fun idea started turning into a serious project, with new friends getting involved in the story.

Nowadays, Kukuxumusu is a small thriving business, dedicated to distinctive designs and drawings for different things (T-shirts, postcards, ceramics, key-holders……) for the commercial market.

KUKUXUMUSU products can be found in many different kinds of places. Our tee shirts, and some other products that we specialize in, are sold in over a thousand outlets all over Europe.

Click on this following link, to enterthe world of KUKUXUMUSU. Have a nice trip in our world.

Marzelo Zelaieta 75, N.AA1
Iruña/Pamplona 31014"

Publié dans Vêtements

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